Pope to lead Rosary for peace in Ukraine & end to wars worldwide

Pope Francis invites Christians to join him in praying the Rosary for peace on Tuesday, 31 May, and to seek to listen well to one another, as the Church marks World Communications Day.
By Devin Watkins
As the Marian month of May draws to a close and wars wage around the world, Pope Francis is inviting the faithful to join him in praying the Rosary for peace.
The prayer vigil takes place on Tuesday, 31 May, and will be broadcast live from the Basilica of St. Mary Major, beginning at 12 PM Rome time.
Speaking after the prayer of the Regina Coeli on Sunday, the Pope appealed for shrines across the world to join him in imploring the Queen of Peace for the gift of peace.
“I invite the faithful, families, and communities to join this invocation to obtain from God—through the intercession of the Queen of Peace—the gift which the world awaits.”
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