Ressourcement Prayer Group

Created in 2003 following a revelation from the Virgin Mary to Ms. Mirelène Ménard and directed since that time by her, the Ressourcement prayer group is a non-profit spiritual group. The group's purpose is to provide accompaniment to children, teens, young adults and adults - in short, to all those who wish to deepen their faith in God and Jesus Christ, and to honour our Mother Mary. As suggested by its name, the group helps us to renew our energies in the spiritual and the social dimension, enabling us to become living witnesses to Christ in the settings where we live.
General meetings for members are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Prayer evenings are held from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, although times can be altered if necessary. For special occasions, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving for example, members meet more often to ensure that spiritual activities are adequately kept up.
The Group’s OBJECTIVES are:
- The formation of children (5 to 14 years old), teens and young adults, in both spiritual and social dimensions;
- Support for children, teens and young adults in their spiritual development;
- Providing guidelines and follow-up, both spiritual and social, for these children, teens and young adults.
Ongoing spiritual formation for members is offered by resource people, particularly men and women religious, as well as laypersons involved in the life of their communities, who are present at each meeting to answer questions from the young people. Many subjects are explored, in accordance with the liturgical calendar, whether during Ordinary time, Advent, Lent, etc. Biblical themes are presented and developed according to the age-group being taught. Spiritual reference books are provided to participants and activities are coordinated to support the coaching process.
Since our foundation, in order to give thanks to the Lord for all his gracious gifts, Ressourcement group organizes a five-day session of prayer, praise and worship each year during the Thanksgiving season.
This year’s session will be held from Wednesday, October 4 to Saturday, October 7, 7:00 till 9:30 pm, to be concluded with a beautiful Mass of Thanksgiving, Sunday, October 8, at Saint-Fabien Church, located at 6455 Renty, Montreal. As in years past, Mass will be celebrated by our beloved Archbishop, His Excellency Msgr. Christian Lépine, who serves as a model for our Ressourcement prayer group, never failing to lead us in prayer. Thank you, Msgr. Lépine!
For further information: Ms. Mirelène Ménard, coordinator of Ressourcement prayer group: (438) 936-1749.
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