Save the Date! Red Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Save the Date! On Wednesday, November 16th, the Canadian office of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will hold its eighth consecutive Red Wednesday, an event of solidarity that serves as a reminder that the persecution of Christians is an ongoing phenomenon. “Just like last year, I am sending a special message to all Catholics in Canada: light up a building or monument in your area in red for the occasion,” Marie-Claude Lalonde, National Director of ACN Canada requests.
“Once again this year, we will especially pray for Christians on the African continent, who are victims of endless violence,” says Lalonde. “There is no doubt that the Christian identity is disturbing, especially after the recent Pentecost Sunday massacre in Nigeria. More than ever, we must stand in solidarity with Christians who are attacked regularly, just because they are Christians.”
She feels that the situation is deteriorating from year to year. “For several years now - and this is particularly noticeable this year – there has been less religious freedom all over the world. We must expose this situation more than ever,” she said. “More specific information will be forthcoming, but we hope to announce activities across Canada, including in Montreal, Toronto and other Canadian dioceses.”
If you would like to light up a building in red or announce a special Red Wednesday activity, please contact Valérie Vulcain, Events Coordinator at ACN Canada. Email:, or toll free across the country: 1-800-585-6333, ext. 227.
On November 16th, don’t close your eyes to the persecution of Christians.
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