A story to give you hope during these difficult times

Amid the world-wide Covid Pandemic, each of us wonders if God is trying to say something to humanity today, especially messages to each individual in different living circumstances. Indeed, we cannot avoid the various effects the Pandemic brings, the uncertainty and difficulties of every day of our life, as no one can be sure of tomorrow's safety. Yet, the experience of faith and mutual love is always a source of hope for every challenge.
Written by Sr. Thérèse.
One day, Sr. Marianna and I had the opportunity to visit an old lady Sr. Marianna used to visit before. It was a special visit, for during Covid's time, what seemed to be a very ordinary visit became a challenge and restricted affair.
We could not enter the house and just stood outside and looked at the old lady through the window. We know that her origin is Irish, so after praying "Our Father" together with her, we prayed with the Irish blessing that she was familiar with. Then we sang Mary song “ Immaculate of Mary” from the street. We can never forget the old lady's eyes: her overflowing happiness of receiving Holy Communion and her gratitude to us in a spirit of encounter and love. We have no words to describe fully her joy in that brief visit.
For us, it was a wonderful experience knowing that in God, we are called to offer a very small part of the limit we can do, but in return, we get greater joy more than ever. Disease and social distancing cannot stop the love and happiness we can have for each other in Jesus. Indeed, so many lonely elderly people need our visit and accompaniment to bring God to them. That cry echoes to every heart; we wonder if we are sensitive enough to recognize that cry.
Every Friday, I have the opportunity to visit a lady in residence near Metro Du Parc. This was a happy time when I had a chance to meet the lady I often accompany, and the others living on the same floor and the staff there. Loneliness and illness seem to make them devoid of joy and smiles in their lives. I discovered that even the smallest thing I could do dispelled that sad and dark moment from them, I would do my best.
I like to play the guitar, so sometimes I bring my guitar to sing hymns for them. The Irish lady's favorite song is ‘How Great Thou Art’. Sometimes she asks me to sing again and again three or four times. I don't mind as long as it makes her happy. Having the opportunity, I sing a few more songs for the group. Even though a moment may bring smiles and comfort to them, my heart feels happy and satisfied.
After a lockdown due to the Pandemic, the visiting time for me becomes precious. These elderly people need to be accompanied, listened to, and they need understanding. Loneliness, sickness, and many other difficulties persist. What can we do amid that context? I can do little things, but in God, I believe that everything becomes more meaningful than ever when we do it with all our hearts.
The Pandemic is not over yet. The challenges, big and small, that the Pandemic could bring, no one can deny them. And we wonder what life will be like tomorrow. People keep social distancing from each other because of the fear of infection and many other fears. What are we going to do to dispel these fears? For me, love brings us creativity. There are countless ways to show love and support each other in times of hardship. In our faith in Jesus and following the invitation to love as Jesus did, let us boldly respond with all our hearts.
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