Transforming our Society through Catholic Social Doctrine - Invitation to CAPP-Canada Virtual Launch

Saturday, September 17, 2022, 1-3 pm ET - To aspiring, emerging, or established lay leaders who wish to join us in offering a deeper response to Christ’s call to be the salt of the earth, and doing so within and through their own lay professions:
We write to you following the Holy Father’s penitential pilgrimage to Canada. His apology for Catholic failures to uphold the Gospel draws attention to Catholic ignorance and neglect of Catholic Social Doctrine. How different the past two summers would have been if, over the last century and a half, we had consistently implemented the core principles of Catholic Social Doctrine: Human Dignity, Solidarity and Subsidiarity. Pope Francis furthermore reiterated Christ’s call to commit ourselves more deeply to the service of others, especially the vulnerable and the marginalized. As Benedict XVI emphasized, the promotion and application of Catholic Social Doctrine is in itself one of the three primary works of mercy. For example, to shelter the homeless is vital, but it is no less important - and often more impactful - to prevent homelessness by bringing our social, cultural, political, and economic structures and practices into greater harmony with the Gospel.
If this resonates for you as it did for us, we invite you to attend the virtual launch, on September 17, of the Canadian chapter of the Vatican-based Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation.
The primary mission of CAPP is to transform society by cultivating, especially among lay Catholic leaders, a deeper understanding, integration, and holistic application of Catholic Social Doctrine. Our secondary mission is to support Papal charities, responding to urgent needs as they arise. In advancing our two-fold mission, we also welcome the support and collaboration of non-Catholics.
Our lay-led mission is exercised in close unity with our bishops, beginning with our founder. Established in 1993 – “Pro Pontifice” (for the Pope) – at the request of Saint John Paul II, CAPP has since that time been supported and promoted by him and his successors, as they have relied on us.
At our launch, we will hear from Msgr Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal and CAPP-Canada’s ecclesiastical counselor; Prof. Ana Maria Tarantola, CAPP Foundation Chairwoman; Robert Nalewajek, co-founder and Vice-President of CAPP-USA; as well as some new members of CAPP-Canada.
For the full agenda, registration, or information on how to help promote our launch, please visit
Dr. Cecil Chabot & Professor Danielle Morin
CAPP-Canada Coordinators
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