Vigil Mass for Pentecost

Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal will celebrate the Vigil Mass for Pentecost on Saturday, May 30, at 7:30 p.m.
The bilingual Mass will be celebrated "in camera' (privately) at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral and can be followed live on Salt + Light Television:
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Jesus invites us to await the gift of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the strength to bear witness to Jesus through our lives and through the Word. In celebrating the Vigil for Pentecost, we gather with Mary to pray in the Upper Room, awaiting the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost comes from the Greek word “pente” (five), signifying the fiftieth day: Pentecost, which occurred 50 days after the Resurrection, is the concluding celebration of the Easter Season, commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit who empowers us to proclaim God's Love to the world.
"It is the Holy Spirit who is the very Life-source of our life. We ask for the grace to be renewed on this eve of Pentecost, for without the Holy Spirit it is impossible for us to be Christian. For Christians, it is the incredible discovery of a new source of strength, the Spirit of God, which was bestowed in superabundance at baptism," said Archbishop Lépine. "For the Church to be fully alive, the Holy Spirit is given to us. The Spirit strengthens, consoles, inspires, invigorates. He enkindles a vibrant, joyful faith within us. He is the best of spiritual guides," he added.
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