Vocations to the priesthood are everyone’s business!

The Vocations Office launched the pastoral year August 15 with its first pilgrimage in honour of the Holy Family on the theme: "Vocations are everyone's business!"
This applies to all types of vocations. It takes a whole city, family and faith community to train persons of consecrated life, deacons, married couples and diocesan priests. These days, we stress in a particular way vocations to the priesthood during the Annual Collection for the Œuvre des vocations du Diocèse de Montréal (OVDM).
Please will find listed below various events inviting you to pray for the “Lord of the harvest” in the company of various pastoral respondants for future priests and seminarians. Who are tomorrow’s priests? How can we support them spiritually and financially?
You are all cordially invited to each activity. Thank you for your fervent prayers and your generous gifts to support our priests on a personal level.
Masses for the vocations to the priesthood
Date: Friday, February 07, 2020
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Grand Séminaire de Montréal (2065 Sherbrooke Street West)
Chaired by: H.E.Mgr Christian Lépine, Archbishop
For whom: for everyone!
Date: Friday April 24, 2020
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Grand Séminaire de Montréal (2065 Sherbrooke Street West)
Chaired by: H.E.Mgr Thomas Dowd, Auxiliary Bishop
For whom: for everyone!
Rosaries for the vocations of priests
Date and time: several dates on the poster
Location: Grand Séminaire de Montréal (2065 Sherbrooke Street West)
Chaired by: priests of the Seminary in the presence of the seminarians and vocation director
For whom: for everyone!
Masses followed by a time of adoration for the vocations to the priesthood
Date and time: several dates on the poster
Location: Grand Séminaire de Montréal (2065 Sherbrooke Street West)
Chaired by: priests of the Seminary in the presence of the seminarians and vocation director
For whom: for everyone!
Annual Collection for the Œuvre des vocations du Diocèse de Montréal
To support "financially" those who follow the course led by a call to priesthood: http://ovdm.org/#service
To support "spiritually" those who follow the course led by a all to priesthood: http://ovdm.org/parrainage.html
Become a priest:
The journey of those who want to become priests: activities offered to men aged 18 to 55 who wish to discern a vocation as a priest.
- These activities will only be offered to those who wish to discern a call to become diocesan priests. Please pray for them!
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