WYD in Panama 2019

Considering taking part in international World Youth Day in Panama? Or perhaps you would like to organize a group? Join us for a preliminary info-session May 17, 2018!
On Palm Sunday, 1985, pope John Paul II announced to the youth in Rome that World Youth day would be created. Since then, World Youth Day has been celebrated in every diocese around the world. With this invitation, the Pope calls every two or three years the youth of the world to come together to celebrate their faith in Christ. In 2019, this gathering will take place, for the first time in Central America, in Panama!
In a letter adressed to the Youth, Archbishop Christian Lépine tell us that "participating in a WYD, with Pope Francis and other young people from all around the world, is an opportunity to live and experience an encounter with Jesus Christ in a festive and prayerful atmosphere. It is also the ideal occasion to overcome the feeling of being alone in our faith and to share with other young people from all continents."
Convinced that this will bring a multitude of graces not only to the young adults, but to the community as well, the Archbishop invites parishes of the diocese to consider naming and sponsoring one or two young adults to represent their community in Panama.
To learn more about this special invitation, join us for a preliminary info-session May 17, 2018, 7:30 p.m. at the Archdiocese Offices (2000, Sherbrooke Street West).
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