The Permanent Diaconate in Montreal - A Reminder of the Diaconal Journey

The permanent diaconate in Montreal is profound vocation at the heart of the Christian community, embodied through the various fraternities such as the Saint Laurent and Saint Étienne fraternities which are francophone, and the Saint Philip fraternity which is anglophone. Each of these fraternities offers specific paths for aspirants to the diaconate. At St Laurent, the aspirant starts his journey under the guidance of Felix de Valois Dadjeu, a dedicated vocational tutor.
Over two years, the candidate goes through a period of pre-discernment and discernment. At the end of this stage, with the approval of his tutor, confirmation by the archbishop, and that of the person responsible for the permanent diaconate, the candidate may request to be officially admitted by the rite of admission. The itinerary at Saint Etienne, with the accompaniment of vocational tutor François Gilbert, integrates intellectual and spiritual training at the Grand Seminary.
The goal of this path, which could last from two to four years, is to obtain a certificate in theology and to journey as a group toward the vocation of the permanent deacon. At the end of the first year of theological training, if the vocational tutor, along with the person responsible for the permanent diaconate, feels that the candidate is ready, a request is made to the archbishop to enter and to be welcomed by our archbishop Christian Lépine, to the ministry of lector.
After obtaining a certificate in theology and with the necessary validations, the candidate may aspire to the ministry of acolyte. This step must be endorsed by the Saint Etienne vocational tutor and by the person responsible for the permanent diaconate before presenting the request to the archbishop. It is important to note that the path toward the permanent diaconate is a journey shared by the wife of the candidate if he is married.
This conjugal discernment is indispensable and involves the active participation of the two spouses. Regular meetings, scheduled one year in advance and taking place about once a month, are obligatory for the couple. The wife is invited to join the group “Martha and Mary in the steps of Jesus” in order to discern her vocation together with her husband, between spouses. This step is crucial for the unity of the couple and the understanding of their calling.
The permanent diaconate in Montreal ( a reminder of the diaconal journey) In parallel, it is imperative that the candidate engages in concrete charitable works. In effect, the diaconate is fundamentally a ministry of service and charity, as the Gospel of Matthew(25, 35-36) teaches. These actions, which mustn’t be confused with pastoral activities, liturgy, or catechesis, should be a reflection of a personal engagement with the most deprived and may take the form of visiting the sick, helping the poor, or welcoming.
Spiritual retreats are also suggested to candidates during their journey, sometimes accompanied by their wives, except when it is for a personal retreat. In order to enrich and deepen their understanding of the diaconal ministry, it is advised that candidates familiarize themselves with literature pertinent to the diaconate. This will permit them to progress in their reflection and prayer.
This way, the process toward the permanent diaconate in Montreal will be an integrated path, aligning theological training, spiritual guidance, community engagement, and periods of resourcing, all while emphasizing the role of the family in the diaconal vocation. Once ordained, the permanent deacon will continue the mission which our Archbishop has given him. There will be continuing education, recollections, Advent, Lent, and annual retreats for deacons and their spouses.
Réjean Leblanc
Assistant to the Office of Pastoral Personnel,
Diocesan Coordinator for the Diaconate.
The diaconal Community's Bi-Monthly Newsletter

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