O.E.P.S. Leadership Shift: Episcopal Vicar Fr. Raymond Lafontaine granted Study Sabbatical, Martina McLean assumes interim role

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As you may have learned, our Archbishop Christian Lépine has granted Father Raymond Lafontaine, Episcopal Vicar for the English-speaking Faithful and Director of the Office for English Pastoral Services (O.E.P.S.), at his request, a six-month sabbatical-study leave, effective May 11, 2024. Our brother Raymond will further explore synodality, fundamental for the future of our Church's life and mission. During this period, Father Raymond will remain in contact, particularly with the Vicar General Coordinator for Pastoral Affairs, Bishop Alain Faubert.
As we reflect on the future of our diocesan services, in a quest for greater synergy, and in a context of reduced financial resources, Archbishop Lépine appoints Mrs. Martina McLean, SFO, Interim Director of the Office for English Pastoral Services, until August 31, 2025. Martina will continue her role within the family of services that coordinate overall pastoral care, and as an active member of various consultation bodies of the archdiocese.
In addition, our Archbishop is exploring the possibility of appointing a priest as Interim Episcopal Vicar, to join the team of Episcopal Vicars and support the Interim Director of the O.E.P.S. It should be noted that priests serving the English-speaking community can, at any time, and as the need arises, contact the Office of Pastoral Personnel (O.P.P.), as well as the management of the O.E.P.S., which benefits from an advisory committee composed of four priests.
We wish Father Raymond fruitful research and reflections that we look forward to him sharing with us upon his return. We assure our sister Martina of our prayers and solidarity in the duties entrusted to her.
Charles Langlois, PSS
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
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