
Despite feeding the world and nurturing the Earth, peasant and rural communities often face precarious living conditions and numerous challenges. Through the Reaping Our Rights campaign, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada aims to advocate for the rights of these communities by promoting mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation in Canada.

Learn More and Take Action:
Canadians are encouraged to learn about the rights of peasants as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Rural Workers (UNDROP). You can sign the action card calling on the Canadian government to adopt robust legislation that holds Canadian companies accountable for human rights and environmental abuses across their global supply chains. This legislation would ensure victims have access to justice in Canadian courts.

To find out more: Reaping Our Rights Campaign
To sign the action card: Take Action

About Development and Peace — Caritas Canada:
Development and Peace tackles the root causes of poverty, oppression, and inequality by partnering with organizations in the Global South and mobilizing Canadians in the common struggle for justice and dignity. We empower women and social movements as essential agents of lasting change.

For more information or to make a donation: Development and Peace


*Link to video: