Let us celebrate the 29th World Day of Consecrated Life

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, we are invited to honour members of consecrated life, who enrich our Church through their prayer, commitment and witness. This special day offers a precious opportunity to :
- Thank members of consecrated life for their dedication and service.
- Pray for them, their families and for new vocations.
- Support those on their way to consecrated life, and those who accompany them.
- Sensitize young people to the call to service and prayer.
We encourage you to celebrate this event in your parishes and communities. Invite a member of consecrated life to give a testimony, use the resources of the Carrefour intervocationnel to enrich your celebrations, and share your support on social networks with the keywords:
#JMVC #VieConsacrée #Vocation @CarrefourIntervocationnel
Celebration in Montreal
Join us for a diocesan celebration:
- Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
- Time: Mass at 10:00 a.m., followed by a festive afternoon starting at 12:00 p.m.
- Location: Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral
Come one and all with your communities to experience a moment of prayer, fraternity and sharing. Together, let's renew our commitment to promoting the joy and richness of consecrated life, while celebrating Jubilee 2025 in Montreal.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 514-925-4300, ext. 288 or 289, or by e-mail at vitaconsecrata@diocesemontreal.org.
Message from Archbishop Christian Lépine on the Occasion of the XXIXth World Day for Consecrated Life in the Jubilee Year 2025
Dear Sisters and Brothers of Consecrated Life,
In this Jubilee Year, as we celebrate the XXIXth World Day for Consecrated Life, I address each of you with deep gratitude. This day, which coincides with the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, offers us an opportunity to honour all those who, through their unwavering commitment, have enriched the Church’s mission and our archdiocese with the diversity and beauty of their charisms.
As we reflect on our city, we recognize the invaluable legacy left by the consecrated men and women who, tirelessly over decades, have built communities of faith, love, and solidarity. Your dedication and passion have sown—and continue to sow—the seeds of hope in people’s hearts. As Pope Francis reminds us in his 2014 letter to consecrated persons, we are called to “look to the past with gratitude.”
Today, religious congregations, Institutes of Consecrated Life, and Societies of Apostolic Life face significant challenges, including aging members and the decline or absence of new vocations. These realities raise numerous questions regarding the sustainability of their activities and missions. However, despite these obstacles, many consecrated individuals continue to engage, both personally and communally, in charitable works that support our diocesan Church and our society, while addressing current ecclesial and social issues.
While these challenges are many, paths of hope and renewal are emerging, through lay involvement, associates, and new vocations. It is essential that we keep alive the flame of hope kindled in us at baptism, and do all we can to foster the strength and confidence to look toward the future with open hearts and minds. As the theme of this Jubilee Year reminds us, let us be "Pilgrims of Hope, on the Road to Peace," placing our trust in God and continuing our mission under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I want to honour in a special way the wisdom and courage of our senior brothers and sisters, who, in illness and suffering, offer God their prayers and their lives. Your commitment, daily sacrifices, and spirit of prayer enrich our Church and serve as a powerful testament to the strength of faith, fidelity, and love. Thank you for your enduring witness and for reminding us that even moments of suffering can become precious offerings in the hands of the Lord.
Together, let us continue the mission and pray that the charisms passed down by your founders and foundresses may continue to flourish both in our Church and in society, and that the new generations may draw inspiration from your admirable legacy to find meaning in their lives.
With this spirit of hope, I warmly invite you to our annual celebration of consecrated life on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 10 a.m., at the Cathedral of Mary Queen of the World.
May God’s grace accompany you each day of this new year 2025, and may you find comfort and joy in living out your vocation.
A joyful Jubilee to each and every one of you!
With all my affection in Jesus Christ and in the communion of prayer, may Mary guard and protect your heart!
† Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal
Download the Archbishop's message
Resources for your celebrations
The Carrefour intervocationnel provides you with various tools to enrich your liturgical celebrations and online communications. Together, let us bear witness to the joy and hope of consecrated life, and pray that Saint-Joseph, guardian of vocations, will accompany each member in their mission.
JMVC - World Day for Consecrated Life
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