Finding your way
Keenly aware of the frenetic pace of life confronting families, young people and vulnerable individuals today and wanting to extend a helping hand, the Catholic Church of Montreal invites you to consider this year’s theme: Finding your way.
Ensuring that families remain at the forefront of society is a current challenge. The Diocesan Centre for Marriage, Life and the Family (CdMVF) dedicates itself to this goal daily by supporting and offering formation to couples and their growing families, helping them shine in the Church and in society.
- Preparing and supporting more than 700 couples getting married
- Organizing numerous conferences and seminars on ethics and end-of-life issues
Young people, adolescents and young adults in their 20s often have the feeling of being alone on their journey of faith. The team from the Youth Ministry Office creates opportunities for youth to journey together, offering them ways to encounter Jesus Christ, enabling them to create friendships and to get involved in the Church and in society.
- Various activities benefiting more than 5,000 adolescents and young adults
- Training sessions, retreats, pilgrimages and sports tournaments for youth in the diocese
The Pastoral Homecare Service (SASMAD) demonstrates the importance of being present to the sick, the elderly and the lonely through their warm presence and listening ear, centred on spiritual life.
- More than 400 active volunteers across the diocese
- More than 7,000 beneficiaries supported in the comfort of their home
- Requests for spiritual guidance on the rise (more than 300 new requests each year)
Recognizing the importance of faith transmission and Christian training in our lives, we currently assist many parishes-in-need, helping them secure the human resources needed to provide quality catechetical and sacramental instruction.
- Financing 15 pastoral agents in more than 25 parishes, as well as ...
- Supporting more than 50 elderly priests at the clergy residence, Square Angus
- Helping to set up parish fundraising campaigns and assisting with building management
Contributing to the Annual Collection will help us support these life-giving initiatives at the grassroots level so that all can find their way in Jesus Christ and in His Church!
Thank you!
Read the Archbishop's invitation
For other ways to pledge (planned donations, etc.)