Accompanying parishioners in prayer

At St. Antonin's Parish, there is a long tradition of praying the Way of the Cross every Friday during Lent.
As the parishioners could no longer enter their church, as their pastor, I tried to open the doors to them virtually and allow them to see the stations before which they prayed by:
- a photo album accompanied by a text from John Paul II's Way of the Cross
- video:
The photo album brought Mary to challenge me to ensure that more parishioners have access to this Way of the Cross, rather than just Facebook subscribers. This is how the Team of Paths was quickly and providentially (in the deepest sense of the word) formed. Marie Flouriot, editor, in Montreal recruited Marie-Espérance Cerdà, a videographer, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Catherine Todorovski, the titular organist of the Saint-Antonin who immediately accepted and generously offered the music from an album she had previously recorded. This embryonic team gave birth to the 2020 Way of the Cross video. For The 2020 Path of Light, I had added team member, André Tremblay, a photographer from Montreal, who recommended that I contact Anne-Marie Forest, an illustrator from Kamouraska.
This year, the parish liturgy committee decided to invite the parishioners to expand their prayer of the Way of the Cross with the prayer of the Way of Light every Friday during the Easter Season. Since the Way of Light prayer is quite recent in the Church (officially recognized in the Directory on Popular Piety and Liturgy in 2001 - , the Paths Team has enriched the online publication the Way of Light in 9 videos (introduction, 7 of the 14 stations and conclusion) with a certain number of texts to make this new prayer known and accompany the reflexion and the spiritual journey to which this Way of Light just like the Easter liturgy invites one to follow:
- Path of Light 2020, playlist - allowing you to travel from station to station (links in french only)
- Complete Way of Light
- Way of Light and Easter Liturgy
The Way of Light and the Easter Liturgy is an article presented in a series of four "Facebook articles", for which the link is mentioned above. Browsing between the four Facebook pages is available on each of the pages as well as the comments.
Putting information online is like putting a needle in 10,000 haystacks and hoping someone will stumble upon it. The team that worked on this production would've liked to be able to present it on a diocesan microsite.
A great deal of generosity, talents and dedication is at the core of this amazing Team of Paths to which I would like to express my gratitude once again.
Christophe Guillet, priest, vicar Saint-Antonin parish.
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