Bishops Release "Template for Pastors on the Evangelization of Young People in Canada Today: Praedica Verbum"

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This template, titled Praedica Verbum (“Preach the Word”) and developed by the Episcopal Commission for Doctrine, is intended as a resource for pastors, officially mandated pastoral agents, and others in the Church who work with young people. Focusing on what the Church calls “the initial proclamation of the Gospel,” it is intended to provide helpful information on the how and what of evangelization. The template was developed following consultations with numerous Catholic organizations in Canada engaged in the evangelization of young people.
Praedica Verbum contains a synthesis of the central themes in the evangelization of young people in the light of the Canadian context today, along with a development of the scriptural and magisterial underpinnings of each of these themes. Four of these themes concern the content of the message proclaimed (or the what of evangelization), whereas 3 themes relate to method (or the how of evangelization).
The themes are as follows:
The what:
- the recognition of God’s love;
- the proclamation of Christ as having died and risen for our salvation;
- an invitation to a relationship; and
- repentance and conversion.
The how:
- the action of the Holy Spirit;
- person-to-person relationships; and
- joy
Praedica Verbum: Template for Pastors on Youth Evangelization in Canada Today is available in English and French.
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