CCCB Launches Advent Video Series

This week, the General Secretariat of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) announces the online weekly video series for this year’s Advent season. Designed to help the faithful prepare for the memorial of the birth of Our Lord celebrated at Christmas, these videos provide valuable resources and opportunities for faith formation. Titled Journey through Advent, the series is a collaborative initiative of the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, the National Liturgy Office, and the Office national de liturgie.
This year’s reflections will be led by the Most Reverend Frank Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, and the Most Reverend René Guay, Bishop of Chicoutimi. The videos will guide viewers through the Advent season by offering reflections, enriched by spiritual and pastoral insights, on the Gospel readings proclaimed during each of the four Sundays of Advent.
As we prepare for the Nativity of Our Lord, it is hoped that this year’s Journey through Advent videos will be a source of spiritual comfort, peace, and meaningful preparation for all who watch them.
The videos will be uploaded one at a time on a weekly basis throughout Advent and will be available on the CCCB website each Monday in advance of the upcoming Sunday Eucharistic Celebration (25 November, 2 December, 9 December and 16 December).
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