Teen Festival 2024: Celebrating Faith, Hope, and Youth Leadership

On November 16, 2024, the Teen Festival brought together over 350 teens, ages 13 to 17, for an unforgettable day at the Cathédrale Saint-Sauveur des Melkites. Organized by Mission Jeunesse Montréal in partnership with the Canadian Melkite Youth Association (CMYA), this annual event, now in its third year at the cathedral, highlighted the protagonism of youth, their energy, and their unique contribution to the Church.
This year’s theme, inspired by Isaiah 40:31—“Ceux qui mettent leur espérance dans le Seigneur marchent sans se fatiguer”—served as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength found in God.
A Dynamic and Faith-Filled Program
Designed by young people for young people, accompanied by both Archbishop Christian Lépine and Bishop Milad El Jawich the festival encouraged participants to deepen their relationship with Christ while connecting with peers. The day was filled with a rich variety of activities:
The Main Session, a bilingual talk show-style presentation, provided a captivating exploration of the festival theme. With inspiring testimonials, catechesis, and lively dialogue, it connected the realities of adolescent life to the enduring hope found in God’s promise.
This year’s festival featured exceptional speakers , who brought depth and inspiration to the day. A highlight for young people was the presence of Sister Chantal Desmarais, SCSM, a Synod delegate and Kyokushin black belt, captivated everyone with her unique perspective on balancing strength, faith, and service, inspiring young people to boldly embrace their call to holiness and leadership in today’s world.
So much gratitude to all those who led our 16 interactive workshops in French, English, and bilingual formats, covering topics from navigating life’s challenges, to love, form holy friendships, to cultivating virtues, addressing digital faith, and fostering hope through art.
This year's interactive expos, included several photobooths of contemporary saints, exhibits on peace and hope, and a display featuring the inspiring life of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
The Olympics was a crowd winner with its fun competitions.
A Special Blessing: The WYD Cross
One of the day’s highlights was the blessing and distribution of the WYD Cross, a stunning piece designed by Michelle Beli-en David, an active leader in our diocese. Her design featured the journey of faith as a zigzag path, reflecting life’s ups and downs, with a heart symbolizing love and the pilgrim’s journey toward God.
Archbishop Lépine and Bishop Milad El Jawich blessed the crosses in a moving ceremony, reminding participants of their call to be signs of hope and light in the world. Each teen received a cross as a personal symbol of their faith journey.
The Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis
A profound moment of the festival was the presence of the first-class relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis, an inspiring model of holiness for young people. Participants had the chance to venerate the relic and reflect on his life of joy, simplicity, and unwavering faith.
Gratitude and Hope
As the festival concluded, the atmosphere was filled with gratitude and joy. Teens left not only with lasting memories but also with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to embrace their journey with God as true pilgrims of hope.
For me, the most touching part of the day was hearing the teens’ excitement and anticipation for the future. Many asked, "When is the next one? Can I volunteer next time?" and shared their eagerness to invite friends next year. This simple but profound response is a testament to the impact of the festival, and it fills me with hope and gratitude to see young people inspired and wanting to share this joy with others.
A Collaborative Effort
This event could not have been possible without the dedicated support and collaboration of so many. This includes incredible work of the Mission Jeunesse Service Team and Youth Ministry leaders across the diocese, who shared their time, talent, and faith; the welcoming hospitality of Les Apôtres, the local Melkite volunteer team. This ongoing partnership is really a great blessing to young people of our diocese!
A special thank you to the contributions of our sponsors, the Œuvre des Vocations du Diocèse de Montréal and the Pillars Trust Fund.
Let us continue this mission together! Your support makes events like this possible. Please consider helping us inspire and accompany more young people on their faith journey. To learn more or contribute, visit our website or contact us directly.
Thank you, and see you next year!
Isabel Correa
Mission Jeunesse - Youth Ministry Office
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