
23 September 2024 — The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is pleased to announce a series of events, resources, and initiatives in preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, which has been themed “Pilgrims of Hope” by Pope Francis. The Jubilee invites the faithful worldwide to renew their hope and actively engage in this sacred time. 

In preparation for the Jubilee, the CCCB’s Ad hoc Committee for the Preparation of the Jubilee Year began in 2023 with the “Year of the Council,” focusing on Vatican II’s four Constitutions through webinars. 2024 has been dedicated as the “Year of Prayer,” with the development of resources such as the webinar series “A Great Symphony of Prayer” which guides reflection on The Our Father, Mary, the Saints, and Scripture. Inspired by the Jubilee’s theme, the CCCB has developed resources centred on six subthemes contained in the Papal Bull Spes non confundit. 

The CCCB is also preparing toolkits for adult faith formation, catechetical resources for children, a social media kit, including banners and prayer cards, to promote local and national celebrations, ensuring widespread participation. 

These resources will support dioceses, parishes, and Catholic organizations in celebrating this universal call to hope and spiritual renewal. As part of the spiritual journey, the faithful are encouraged to make pilgrimages to Canada’s National Shrines in 2025, where unique celebrations aligned with the Jubilee themes will take place. To enrich these experiences, the CCCB has made available resources including the official prayer and hymn provided by the Vatican’s Jubilee Office at the Dicastery for Evangelization. 

The Jubilee Year will start with the opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica on 24 December 2024 and conclude with its closing on 6 January 2026. Pope Francis has also asked that special Masses be celebrated in every Cathedral and Co-Cathedral worldwide on 29 December 2024 to mark the opening of the Jubilee Year. 

Bishop William T. McGrattan, President of the CCCB, expressed great enthusiasm for the upcoming Jubilee Year, stating, “The Jubilee Year 2025 offers a unique opportunity for renewal and reflection within the local and universal Church, that is inviting all the faithful to walk together on our communal path of faith as ‘Pilgrims of Hope.’ We are committed to fostering this journey through meaningful events and resources.” 

For more information on the Jubilee Year 2025 and to access the resources above-mentioned, please visit CCCB’s Jubilee Webpage. 

