CNEWA Canada launches emergency campaign to help churches in India respond to devastating impact of COVID-19

The Catholic Near East Welfare Association has launched an emergency campaign encouraging Canadians to help the most vulnerable in India who are suffering from the alarming spread of COVID-19.
Press release from CNEWA
“We urge all Canadians to remember the people of India as they battle the spread of COVID and, for those who can, to contribute financially to the efforts of our church partners on the ground,” says Carl Hétu, national director of CNEWA Canada. “Catholic communities and groups in India need our support as they deliver emergency assistance, both physical and spiritual, to those who are often overlooked or outside of the reach of government assistance.”
CNEWA has been at the service of the churches and peoples of India for more than eight decades, working closely with the nation’s Syro-Malabar and Syro-Malankara Catholic churches. From its offices in Kerala, CNEWA supports the many ministries of these vital communities – from support of their programs for the marginalized, including services for those with special needs, children and the elderly, to the support of the formation of priests and religious sisters.
Campaign funds will aid CNEWA’s partners to distribute personal protective equipment, medical care, hygiene kits and food packets.
News stories report on the worsening situation in the country — with deaths now exceeding 250,000. Pope Francis and religious leaders from around the world have called on all persons to pray for an end to the pandemic.
CNEWA accepts donations online at or by phone at 1-866-322-4441. Cheques can be mailed to CNEWA Canada at 223 Main Street, Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4, marked “Emergency India”. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more.
An agency of the Holy See, CNEWA works for, through and with the Eastern Catholic churches throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe. Founded by Pope Pius XI in 1926, CNEWA provides pastoral and humanitarian support to the churches and people of the East. CNEWA Canada was incorporated as a registered charity by Canada Revenue Agency in 2003.
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