
Clarification on temporary resting place to be emptied by May 15 

Montreal, May 12, 2023 – Since its founding, more than 150 years ago, Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery has always complied with the law. 

The Cemetery hasn’t operated a temporary resting place or public vault for many years. It has modern and efficient repositories, which allow remains and coffins to be stored at strictly regulated freezing temperatures for many months, even years, in complete safety. 

The current capacity of the repositories is over 750 coffins, and the facilities are inspected a few times a year by representatives of the Direction de la santé publique of the Ministry for Health and Social Services. The most recent inspection was carried out a few days ago. 

Section 99 of the Funeral Operations Act is aimed at cemeteries that operate public vaults, which the Cemetery has not done for many years. 

For information: 

Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery 

Daniel Granger 

T. 514-840-7990