
10 years after the adoption of the law opening the door to medical aid in dying, more and more Quebecers are turning to this option to end their lives. When a relative considers medical aid in dying, can we express our objection to them, with love and respect? We sincerely believe so. Let's remind our family and friends that they will never, ever be a burden to us. Let’s encourage an open dialogue on these end-of-life challenges. To reflect on these matters with the Living with Dignity citizen network, visit

Listeners to this campaign are invited to visit the webpage

(or in French)

where they will find concrete suggestions for encouraging a loved one to opt for aid in living rather than medical aid in dying.

The Living with Dignity citizen network hopes that this campaign will contribute to freeing people to speak out on end-of-life issues. It encourages information, dialogue and support, while highlighting the treasure of palliative care.