Euthanasia: A question of compassion?

Join us for an evening of reflection on the spiritual, pastoral and medical dimensions of death, euthanasia and compassion, on October 17, 7:30 p.m., at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral!
Three guests will offer their witness: Rose DeAngelis, nurse and Director of Special Projects and Education at the West Island Palliative Care Residence., will share with us her experiences accompanying people at the end of their lives and the impact of the new law in her work, Aubert Martin, Executive Director of Living with Dignity, will address the social and political changes in Quebec since the legalization of euthanasia, and Mgr. Christian Lépine, the archbishop of Montreal, will address the spiritual meaning of death, suffering and compassion.
Why propose such an event?
Two years into the legalization of euthanasia in our province, where are we know? The drama of death and the suffering of a loved one touches the deepest dimensions of ourselves and does not leave us neutral. In this new cultural paradigm where the request for death is considered by some to be part of standard medical care, how can we live with freedom and hope? What is a truly compassionate response?
This evening of reflection intends to take a step back from the heated debate to go to the heart of the questions evoked by fact of death and the terms we use to speak about it: What is the meaning of death and suffering in light of our Catholic faith? Is it possible to live this time of our life with dignity and hope? What is true compassion? How can I accompany someone who is suffering? What is the difference between euthanasia, treatment withdrawal and palliative care?
Our speakers will present in both French and in English.
In association with the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the Jérôme Lejeune Association of Catholic Physicians of Montreal, and the Diocesan Center for Marriage, Life and Family.
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