"Go! And make disciples of all nations..."
!["Go! And make disciples of all nations..."](/sites/default/files/banner2017Web_640x360px.jpg)
On Friday, November 17, Bishop Alain Faubert and Father Raymond Lafontaine invite you to the opening session of the francophone, anglophone and multicultural communities' Catechetical Conferences under the theme "Ensemble en mission/Together in Mission ".
To begin the next morning's reflections on the occasion of the French (Collège André Grasset) and English (Loyola College) catechetical conferences, Bishop Alain Faubert and Father Raymond Lafontaine will share their questions regarding the Missionary Shift. We are one Body in Christ and together we are called and sent! But first, where do we begin? How do we go? And, how do we go together?
The tone is set from the very beginning as we choose to speak more of "missionary conversion" rather than shift. The challenge that awaits us is therefore to work together at witnessing to the Joy of the Gospel where "[t]here is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Ga 3:28).
All are welcome on November 17, 2017, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral!
Faith Enrichment Conference 2017
Archbishop Christian Lépine and Father Raymond Lafontaine E.V. will launch the conference in prayer, a devotion to Mary, as the first Disciple on the Mission! Followed by a day of workshops based on the five chapters of: "The Joy of the Gospel" by Pope Francis.
The other workshops revolve around its reflections and how we may live joyfully as missionary disciples through (the Commandments, the Beatitudes and the Sacraments), within our family and parish ministries as Baptized Christians.
Loyola High School
7272 Sherbrooke St W, Montreal, H4B 1R2
9:00-4:30pm (registration is at 8am)
Details and registrations here
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