
On Thursday, February 6, the last two ordained priests of our diocese, Father Stéphane Germain and Deacon David Oh, visited our retired and elderly priests at the Angus residence.

In an atmosphere of fellowship, prayer and sharing, our senior priests enthusiastically welcomed these two young colleagues.

Father Stéphane presided over the mass, while Deacon David Oh delivered the homily. After the celebration, everyone gathered in the residence's dining room to continue this moment of communion over a meal.

These intergenerational meetings are precious: they offer our elderly priests a sign of hope as they see young priests driven by the desire to love the Lord, to make him loved, to proclaim the Good News and to give Christ. For their part, the young priests are enriched by the experience, wisdom and, above all, the witness of fidelity of their elders.

The images speak for themselves. We are happy to share these photos with you, as they so aptly illustrate the spirit of this wonderful gathering.

We hope that other young priests will follow this example and in turn come to meet our elders!


Sister Natalia Vazquez
Coordinator of human and spiritual support for the priests of the Archdiocese of Montreal
OPP representative for the Angus residence

Ms. Shirley Pulido
Human and administrative support assistant for the priests at Angus

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