Introducing Sr. Natalia Vazquez: Coordinator for the human and spiritual accompaniment of priests in the Archdiocese of Montreal

In December 2022, Sr. Natalia Vazquez embarked on a pilot project with the team of the Office for Pastoral Personnel of the Archdiocese of Montreal in the position of Coordinator for the accompaniment of retired, sick or elderly priests (with or without ministries), devoting three days per week to this mission.
Sr. Natalia put together a team of registered volunteers totalling approximately 40 individuals. Gradually, and thanks to the perseverance, generosity and patience of these volunteers, the project began to thrive.
After a few months, seeing how numerous the needs proved to be in terms of human and spiritual support for the priests, Archbishop Lépine requested that Sr. Natalia would pursue this mission, but on a full-time basis and with the title “Coordinator for the human and spiritual accompaniment of priests in the Archdiocese of Montreal.” Funding for her full-time salary in this position is supported by a religious community in the Archdiocese of Montreal.
Since September 1, 2023, Sr. Natalia has been overseeing efforts to provide support to the priests of the Archdiocese of Montreal. In this role, her focus is on a range of projects undertaken for the priests’ welfare, working in conjunction with others, including the priests themselves, to organize spiritual resource initiatives (such as spiritual retreats or reflection events), formation sessions or recreational activities and social gatherings for priests to get together.
In addition, she coordinates a group of volunteers for the support of priests, particularly those who are retired, sick and/or elderly, ensuring that a variety of services is provided for them. She is in regular communication with retired, elderly and/or sick priests in the Archdiocese, ensuring that their needs are met, through the assistance of the volunteer group, and that their value is recognized both in their ministry and personally. Lastly, she assists the Director of the Office for Pastoral Personnel in a variety of tasks concerning the priests.
About Sr. Natalia Vazquez
Born in Argentina, Sr. Natalia is a religious in the Mater Dei Congregation. In July 2023, with the Archbishop of Montreal’s approval, she began the specific charism, on an “ad experimentum” basis, of providing “support for priests” as a “Missionary of Bethany.”
Following her arrival in Quebec in 2012, she worked as coordinator and pastoral agent (2016-2018) for the parish of Saint Pierre in Saint Jérôme; in charge of “pastoral care for the elderly” and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist (Communion given to the sick and/or elderly in their homes), as well as leading the organization of spiritual renewal pilgrimages for the Unité Pastorale Saint Jérôme (2017-2020). At this time, she was also visiting retired priests in the diocese of Saint Jérôme.
In 2017, she completed her studies in philosophy and theology, receiving the title of Professor of Sacred Sciences at the Mater Dei Institute. In 2021, she obtained an MA degree in pastoral theology at the Institut de formation théologique de Montréal. Her dissertation is entitled: "La vie spirituelle du prêtre diocésain et son ministère : importance, corrélation et répercussions. Quelques propositions pour une pastorale de soutien auprès des prêtres diocésains du Québec dans le contexte actuel” (The spiritual life of the diocesan priest and his ministry: importance, correlation and repercussions. Some proposals respecting pastoral support for diocesan priests in Quebec in the current context).
With the permission of her superiors, Sr. Natalia came to Montreal in 2020 to fulfil a new charism. From August 2020 to August 2023, she was a member of the College of Formators at the Grand Séminaire de l’Archidiocèse de Montréal (GSAM), study secretary of the GSAM (2020-2022) and was in charge of spiritual formation of the seminarians (2021-2023). In 2022 and 2023, she was also a member of the team accompanying young men in Montreal in the process of discernment of vocations to the priesthood (propaedeutics or spiritual foundation year).
We thank God for Sr. Natalia's commitment to the human and spiritual support of priests in the Archdiocese of Montreal. Since priests are ministers "of Christ Jesus to the nations in the priestly service of the gospel" (Vatican II), this mission on behalf of priests will benefit the entire Church in its mission of evangelization.
François Charette, priest
Director, Office for Pastoral Personnel
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