
On Saturday, March 8, Mission Jeunesse, accompanied by some members of the service team, had the joy of participating in the 2nd edition of AMÉN, an event organized and led by Juventud Misionera Guadalupana (JMG) of the Mission Notre-Dame de Guadalupe. 

And what an evening it was! A vibrant atmosphere, filled with hope, where the love of God was manifested in a thousand ways, particularly through Eucharistic adoration. 

A Living Vigil and Prayer in Action 

From the very first songs, you could feel the Spirit at work. Young people gave powerful testimonies, boldly sharing their faith. Others took up their instruments and touched hearts with music. Some offered their hospitality with a warm welcome, creating a truly family atmosphere. 

The highlight of the evening was the Eucharistic procession, allowing everyone to approach the Lord in an intimate and personal way. 

A special prayer time was also dedicated to Pope Francis and his health. In a reverent silence, the whole assembly united to entrust the Holy Father to the Lord, asking for strength and wisdom for his mission. This moment of intercession was a reminder that we are all part of the same Church, and that our prayer can be a powerful support for those who guide us in the faith. 

A Youth Group on Fire for Christ 

What makes AMEN so special is that it is the fruit of the fire lit at the WYD in Lisbon. The young people of JMG came back filled with the desire to give and to bear witness, and they never cease to make it grow! 

Today, this group has around 45 young people, aged between 15 and 35, enthusiastically led by Andrea Sánchez (27, Peru/El Salvador), Cristhian García (26, Peru) and Christian Monroy (24, Guatemala), accompanied by Norma Soberanis and Carlos Enrique Rivera, under the spiritual guidance of Father Rodrigo Zuluaga. 

See you on Palm Saturday! 

And that's not all! Juventud Misionera Guadalupana will provide the musical entertainment for the Palm Saturday mass on April 12 at 5 p.m. in the Cathedral. A wonderful opportunity to experience a time of prayer and worship together, carried by the missionary zeal of these committed young people. 

AMÉN: A Project Inspired by World Youth Day 

AMÉN is not just a one-off event, it is a real project born from the hearts of young people. Inspired by Pope Francis' call during World Youth Day, they wanted to create a space where music and prayer open hearts to an encounter with the living Jesus. 

After the first event in June 2024, with the theme “On Earth as it is in Heaven”, this second meeting, with the motto “It was for you”, once again touched souls and strengthened the desire to continue building a living and missionary community. 

Mission Jeunesse is proud to support and encourage these initiatives that spread the faith among young people in Montreal. Stay tuned for the next chapter of this wonderful adventure! 

Bravo! You give me joy and hope! 

Saint John Bosco, Saint John Paul II 

Pray for us! 


Isabel Correa
Director – Mission Jeunesse Montreal Youth Ministry