
On February 26, 2025, the diocesan staff gathered at the Congrégation Notre-Dame for a retreat day marked by fraternal communion and spiritual deepening. 

The day began with the prayer of the Rosary, offering a special moment of union and meditation for the intentions of Pope Francis and his health. This prayerful approach set the tone for a day devoted entirely to trust and hope. 

Guided by Archbishop Christian Lépine, this time of renewal invited participants to meditate on various passages from the Word of God that illuminate the experience of hope lived in faith. In the context of the Holy Year 2025, the Archbishop encouraged everyone to “journey together in hope”, emphasizing the central place of prayer, fraternity and sharing in our ecclesial commitment. 

The day ended with a mass presided over by Mgr Christian Lépine, bringing us together in communion and renewing our common commitment to the service of the mission. 

Through moments of sharing, meditation and prayer, this day allowed everyone to regenerate spiritually, reminding us of the fundamental importance of allowing ourselves to be enlightened and guided by the light of the Gospel. 


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