"Love isn't just about chocolates... It is infinitely more; it is divine."

On Saturday, February 10, several hundred couples and other faithful, young and old, gathered to celebrate Worldwide Marriage Day at Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral. This annual mass organized by Worldwide Marriage Encounter in partnership with the Diocesan Centre for Marriage, Life and Family recalls ‘’ the grace of the covenant between Christ and His Church that is Christian marriage’’, as Father Robert J. Gendreau reminded us in his homily. World Marriage Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of February, ‘’as instituted by the Holy Father Pope John Paul II’’, close to February 14, Valentine's Day, the popular celebration of love, which is appropriate as ‘’ Sunday, the Lord's Day, is the day of love, the Lord being love itself.’’. " As Father Gendreau concluded : ‘’Love isn't just about chocolates... it is infinitely more; it is divine." Why not treat yourself and your couple to a little spiritual boost to further strengthen your love for each other by listening to his dynamic homily? (Bilingual homily)
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