More than ever: Pray for Peace and Unity

Again this year, Aid to the Church in Need is supporting the One Million Children Pray the Rosary* campaign, an international event taking place Tuesday, October 18, with participation across Canada.
Since the inception of this initiative born in Venezuela in 2005, the international organization has been attracted to the idea of uniting children together to pray for peace in the world. In Canada, several pastoral services, dioceses and parishes, will participate in the nearing event. "We want to share this initiative which represents our mission so well, year after year," explains Marie-Claude Lalonde, the pontifical charities' national director. "Even more so given what is happening in Syria at the moment, in Iraq and in the Democratic Republic of Congo making praying for peace and for unity in the world an essential part of Christian life."
Christians also have a few more reasons to be touched by this call to prayer, particularly because it is a question of religious persecution, as the upcoming Report on Religious Freedom will demonstrate when it is launched this November. "In many countries, Christians are a minority and experience persecution. It is our duty to do what we can to help them, if only to pray for them," explains Mrs Lalonde.
This prayer initiative connects to one of the goals Aid to the Church in Need has - which is to pray for Christians who are poor, isolated and persecuted throughout the world, as well as to stay informed about their situation and act on their behalf.
Material available!
In order to support our parishes, schools and Catholic spiritual centres, or other organizations who wish to participate in this pastoral initiative; the Canadian office of Aid to the Church in Need has material made for children and their guides: a leaflet and a letter for children, a poster and decade Rosaries among others.
We invite anyone interested to contact us, at 1 (800) 585- 6333 or (514) 932-0552 or send an email to to request the free material.
*Witnessing children praying the Rosary before the Virgin Mary in Caracas (the capital of Venezuela) a few women felt the strong presence of the Holy Mother and became aware of the power of the children's prayer. What followed was the launch of this great prayer initiative.
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