Mutual Gratitude and Appreciation in Shared Missionary Service and Discipleship

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, Fr. Michael Leclerc and the leadership team at the parishes of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Willibrord visited the diocesan offices at 2000 Sherbrooke Street West. These two parishes are in a missionary partnership, the first of its kind in Montreal, inspired by Father James Mallon’s Divine Renovation model of parish renewal and evangelization.
The leaders had two goals for that visit: 1) to show their appreciation to the diocesan personnel, especially in light of the recent restructuring and 2) to “put a face to a name”, to get to know the staff while gaining a clearer understanding of who is responsible for what service to the parishes. The personnel in 2000 did receive an email in advance announcing the potential visit.
At approximately 10:00 AM on that brisk Wednesday morning, the leadership team gathered at reception laden with coffee, doughnuts and Pączki (the rich and lighter Polish doughnut-like pastry). They divided into two teams and were provided with two trolleys to facilitate visiting the people in the offices and services on the five floors of the building. What we later realised is that those trolleys enabled their arms-wide-open approach.
These leaders encountered representatives from those offices and services who serve their two parishes among the 187 parishes served by the Archdiocese including Administrative Services to Fabriques (ASFD), the Chancery Office, Communications, the Économat (Finance and Administration), the Office for English Pastoral Services (O.E.P.S.), the Philanthropic Development Office, the Office for Pastoral Personnel, Responsible Pastoral Ministry, SASMAD - Pastoral Home Care, the Service for Evangelization and Christian Life (Diocesan Centre for Marriage Life and Family, Youth Ministry (Mission Jeunesse), the Office for Consecrated Life, the Office for Faith Education and Pastoral Service for Vocations to the Priesthood).
The diocesan personnel were struck by the generosity of these parish leaders as well as the investment in time to prepare and synchronize the grace of their presence. They are grateful for their gifts of hospitality, welcome, service, fellowship, listening, and curiosity. Like Jesus at the Last Supper, without aprons, they poured the coffee, offered the pastries, smiled, made eye contact, asked questions, and drew people out. Then, before they finished each visit to an office or service, they offered to pray with and over the individuals present, modelling their discipleship.
Isabel Correa, Director of the Service for Evangelization and Christian Life said “it was such a heartwarming experience! I was really touched by their joy, warmth, and desire to be truly present. Their genuine care and the sense of community they brought with them were wonderful gifts. Their prayers filled me with gratitude, knowing that we are in this Mission together!”
“It is always an honour to meet our colleagues who work in parishes and praying together makes it all even more meaningful,” said Louisa Chiarella, from the Office for Marriage, Life and Family. “The solidarity shared is priceless.”
Angela Olaguera, Parish Catechetical Leader at St. Willibrord and St. Thomas More told us that the visit helped her to connect better with the archdiocese and all the staff, many of whom she had never met before. “I saw that despite some difficult circumstances at times, there is a hope and desire to see the Church in Montreal come alive, and I felt that there is a lot we can do to help move forward together,” she said.
Anne Christine Sylvestre, from the O.E.P.S. expressed how “it was really appreciated that they came to visit us in that way, and it would be nice to get to know each parish team in such a way.”
Jesus Christ is truly with us. Alleluia! We are an Easter people. Let us pray for parish renewal and our mission to bring people to Jesus. May you enjoy a faith-filled Easter Season!
Martina McLean
Associate Director, Office for English Pastoral Services
and Assistant to the Episcopal Vicar for the English-speaking Faithful
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