Places of worship can open with a maximum of 10 participants, in addition to the necessary liturgical and technical facilitators

Following a ministerial order issued Friday morning, January 22, 2021 the Government of Quebec is relaxing the rules regarding places of worship:
Places of worship can open with a maximum of 10 participants, in addition to the necessary liturgical and technical facilitators.
- The regular sanitary measures remain in place
- No congregational singing is permitted
- For all services and celebrations, an attendance register remains mandatory
- Places of worship may not be used as shelters. However, a one-time visit to offer support or comfort to a person can be made inside the Church, outside the usual services and celebrations.
The limit of 10 people is per place of worship, excluding adjoining rooms, even if they have independent entrances.
The Archbishop has left up to the parish communities to decide whether or not to open the Church this past weekend, wait until next weekend, or even to wait for an additional relaxation on numbers of participants (25 or 250), depending on the possibilities/capabilities and the discernment of the community.
To find out if a parish is open or not, we invite the faithful to contact the parish or church in question for more information. For additional information, we invite you to visit our website at: .
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