
Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace on Migrants and Refugees – The Commission, accompanied by Cardinal-elect Father Fabio Baggio, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, and Ms. Alessandra Santopadre from the Archdiocese of Montreal, led the bishops of Canada in a discussion on the challenges faced by refugees and migrants, both globally and in Canada.

A Testimony from Alessandra 

From September 24 to 26, I had the immense privilege of participating in the Plenary Assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) alongside Father Fabio Baggio, Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development. We were invited to contribute to a pastoral study session on the situation of migrants and refugees, both globally and in Canada.

Canada, increasingly perceived as a land of welcome for thousands of people fleeing war, poverty or persecution, presents the Canadian Church with crucial challenges. During these discussions, it was essential to reflect on how we, as a Church, can not only respond to these challenges, but also transform this crisis into an opportunity to spread Gospel values.

One of the central points of our exchanges was the importance of promoting a positive vision of the migration phenomenon. Migration is often associated with stories of suffering, loss and rejection. However, as the Church, we are called to change this narrative into an opportunity for dialogueencounter and solidarity. It's a journey where we must welcome each migrant in all their dignity, recognizing not only their needs, but also what they bring to the community that welcomes them.

As Pope Francis invites us to do, our mission must revolve around the verbs welcome, protect, promote and integrate. These are concrete actions that require commitment, compassion and a profound openness to others. During this assembly, we reflected together on how the Canadian Church can strengthen its action in response to these calls. Each migrant carries a unique story, and as a Church, we must be that community that journeys with them, offering listening, support and accompaniment.

This experience has strengthened my conviction that the Church plays a fundamental role in this process. We are called to be bridge-builders in a world where walls are multiplying. By working together, we can transform the challenges of migration into a real opportunity for growth for our society and for our Church.


Alessandra Santopadre
Assistant Director, Office for Cultural and Ritual Communities
Responsible for the Sponsorship Programme for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Archdiocese of Montreal