Ville-Marie Awards

The Ville-Marie Awards recognize the “everyday” saints present among us. These exceptional young individuals lead by their example of joy, courage and commitment. They inspire us to respond to the call to holiness and to mission!
The “Salt and Light” of Montreal!
In 1642, two young people brimming with faith and missionary zeal, arrived on the island and founded Ville-Marie in honour of the Virgin Mary. We focus on this heroic past to give thanks to the Lord, not only for the city’s beginnings but for its entire history up to now.
Many of us are able to be witnesses of God’s wonders through the exceptional individuals within our parishes, movements and communities. These disciples of Jesus remind us of our real vocation as Christians on Earth: “You are salt for the earth […] You are light for the world.” Mt 5:13-15
Just as the founders of Montreal, through their faithfulness, service, and leadership nurtured a burgeoning community through its difficult beginnings to be a sign of Christ to the world, we would like for these witnesses of Jesus Christ to shine. They uphold the Gospel and show us all that “Living, Loving and Serving joyfully” is not only reserved for the few but for all of us!
Who is eligible?
A young person
A young person whose zeal in the mission is remarkable in a parish/movement/community of the Archdiocese of Montreal. They take initiative in projects that have helped revitalize the Christian life of young people of the community. They have been inspired by the joy of the Risen One and never ceases to spread this joy through simple but original pastoral initiatives to share the Good News and touch people’s heart. They have been inspired by the joy of the Risen One and never ceases to spread this joy through simple but original pastoral initiatives to share the Good News and touch people’s heart.
A youth minister
A Youth Minister of a parish/movement/community of the Archdiocese of Montreal whose charism and works in the community, group, movement or parish that they belong to is exceptionally remarkable. They work with young people, and are witnesses of Jesus Christ, through their actions, their presence and their accompaniment.
A community celebration!
Communities are encouraged to join together in nominating and celebrating exceptional individuals who share their gifts and talents at the service of young people.
Please note that if a nominee is selected to receive the MJ Ville-Marie award, the awardee’s friends, family and community are encouraged to gather together to celebrate and witness the awardee’s reception of the MJ Ville-Marie Award at the Montreal World Youth Day 2020 Mass on Saturday, April 4th 2020 at 5PM Mary-Queen of the World Cathedral. This will be an opportunity for the community to join together to celebrate the exceptional and generous involvement of this person in Youth Ministry.
To submit a nomination, click here!
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