World Youth Day in Montreal: Preparing for the 2025 Rome Jubilee

The Christ the King Vigil and World Diocesan Youth Day celebration took place on Friday, November 22, at Mary Queen of the World Cathedral in downtown Montreal. Archbishop Christian Lépine invited young people and youth ministry leaders to join a thanksgiving celebration featuring an evening of adoration, music, prayer, and testimonies led by young people for young people.
The Mission Jeunesse Coordination Team, mandated by the Archbishop of Montreal, serves the diverse communities and parishes in the diocese in their efforts to minister to teenagers (ages 13–17) and young adults (ages 18–35). This team organizes events, provides training, and offers support and consulting to ensure those who share in their mission are well equipped to form young missionary disciples who live, love, and serve joyfully. The Mission Jeunesse vision is to place young people at the forefront of the life and mission of the Church, empowering them to offer the best of themselves within the Archdiocese of Montreal.
This vision was brought to life during the vigil, which the Mission Jeunesse Service Team, composed of dedicated young adult volunteers, organized in collaboration with various communities and parishes. In a true testament to hope and faith, the cathedral was filled with teens and young adults (ages 18–35) who gathered to encounter Christ, share their faith, and build community.
The evening was centred on the Holy Father’s theme for the 39th World Youth Day: “Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary” (cf. Is 40:31). To emphasize the multiculturalism of the Montreal diocese and the universality of the Catholic Church, the theme was read in 13 different languages: French, English, Italian, Ghomala, Spanish, Vietnamese, Creole, Malay, Adjoukrou, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Portuguese, and Arabic. This resonated with the broader theme of the 2025 Jubilee Year, “Pilgrims of Hope,” which is fast approaching.
In these trying and uncertain times, the Holy Father’s message of hope and love for young people remains a source of courage. The vigil included prayers for the specific challenges faced by youth locally and globally, with the prayers of the faithful discerned and written by the youth of the Chemin Neuf Community.
A diocesan choir was formed to animate the vigil, in collaboration with le Centre Étudiant Dominicum (CéDum), under the direction of Anne DuForet. The choir invited participants to enter into an atmosphere of prayerful reflection with their eyes fixed on Christ the King in the Blessed Sacrament. This year’s vigil also featured a relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis, soon to be canonized. Praised by Pope Francis as a model and protector of youth, Carlo Acutis is renowned for his deep love of the Eucharist.
The evening concluded with a blessing from the Archbishop and the distribution of crosses by religious communities, encouraging young people to live their faith boldly in the world.
On Sunday, November 24, Pope Francis presided over the transfer of the World Youth Day cross and the icon of Mary Salus Populi Romani from the Portuguese youth, who hosted World Youth Day in August 2023, to the Korean youth, who will host the next World Youth Day gathering in 2027. Preparations for World Youth Day in Korea are well underway!
The Mission Jeunesse Coordination Team supports its mission through a variety of initiatives, including the annual Teen Festival. This year, on Saturday, November 16, 350 teens (ages 13–17) gathered at the Melkite Cathedral of Saint-Sauveur in Saint-Laurent for a day retreat filled with engaging talks, powerful testimonies, workshops, dynamic activities, and fun competitions.
Among the Mission Jeunesse Service Team is Sally Yasmine, 25, a member of the diocesan communications team and social media manager. Sally has also been appointed to the International Youth Advisory Body (IYAB) of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life of the Vatican.
Led by Isabel Correa, Director of Mission Jeunesse Montreal and National Coordinator for World Youth Day, and Holly Kristen Eugenio, Associate Director of Mission Jeunesse, the Coordination Team is actively helping parishes prepare for the Rome 2025 pilgrimage to celebrate the Youth Jubilee. For more information on the pilgrimage and available packages, visit the Mission Jeunesse website or follow their social media platforms:
Isabella Daniele
November 27, 2024
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