Vitality in Mercier-East pastoral sector

Despite the confinement, life continues in the Mercier-East pastoral sector. The 6 members of the pastoral team maintained a communication and met the needs of the people in their neighbourhood. Check out their achievements.
Here is a list of some of the actions we have taken during this period of confinement:
- 9 telephone meetings with the churchwarden of the 3 parishes in our area;
- 4 letters-pamphlets to nearly 500 people in the pastoral sector (by mail and email);
- 3 "Zoom" meetings with the neighbourhood food drive;
- Celebrations:
- Holy Week celebrations with 4 people
- Sunday masses with 4 -6 people
- Weekly mass (Monday to Friday) with 2-3 people
- 24 funerals to be planned for the 3 parishes;
- Virtual interaction with the families registered in the faith education courses and the catechetical team(every week);
- Setting a network of communication and prayer among a few groups from our three communities;
- Welcoming people who ask for food at St. Vincent de Paul (Tuesday and Friday);
- Gathering bread from a food market for the needs of the parish food counters (Thursday);
- Preparation of 8 quizzes for children and parents (available on the website);
- Communicating with the children and parents registered for the baptism process;
- Virtual meetings with the youth from the Servant's Club of the sector;
- Telephone meetings with Solidarité Mercier-Est;
- Organizing virtual concerts at the Repos St-François-d'Assise cemetery;
- "Zoom" meetings with the Gospel Adventure team;
- Preparation of the "Backpack" project;
- Maintenance and development of new content for the pastoral sector's website;
- Virtual communication with the catechumens and the candidates preparing for Confirmation, adolescents and adults;
- Visits and anointing of the sick when possible;
- Work at the St-Michel long-term health care home: communicating with families / helping with meals (residents).
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