Diaconal ordination of Réjean Thibodeau

The Grand Séminaire de Montréal is pleased to announce the diaconal ordination of Réjean Thibodeau. Vicar General Alain Faubert of Montreal will preside at the ceremony, in which family members, friends and parishioners are invited to take part.
Tuesday, June 28, at 7:30 p.m.
Saint Paul-de-la-Croix Church: 10215 Ave. Georges-Baril, Montreal QC H2C 2M9
The ceremony will be available on video in the days following Mr. Thibodeau’s ordination on the Diocese of Montreal’s YouTube channel
For further information, please contact: communications@gsam-montreal.org
What is diaconal ordination?
Diaconal ordination allows a candidate to be consecrated as a “deacon” in the service of God’s people. The deacon, who may be married or celibate, can administer Baptism, dispense the Eucharist, officiate at and consecrate marriages, administer last rites, proclaim the Holy Scripture to the faithful, administer sacramentals (blessing persons or things, a procession, prayer, etc.), and preside at funerals and burials.
For Réjean Thibodeau, this step will lead to his priestly ordination, which will take place in about a year following his ordination as deacon. At that time, he will receive the second degree of the sacrament, called the “Sacrament of Holy Orders,” and will become a priest.
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