'Praedicate Evangelium' presented at Holy See Press Office

Pope Francis
Church leaders and experts involved in the work on the new Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia presented 'Praedicate Evangelium' to journalists on hand both at the Holy See Press Office, as well as those watching online during a two and half hour press conference. The text of the document was released just two days earlier, on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, when Pope Francis had the Apostolic Constitution promulgated.
Missionary dimension
Among the presenters at the Press Conference, Bishop Marco Mellino, Secretary of the Council of Cardinals, noted that the title itself of the document, 'Praedicate Evangelium', underscores the missionary dimension and core duty of evangelization, proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel, which regards all the offices assisting the Pope in his pastoral ministry.
He also pointed out how the Roman Curia is by its nature at the service of the universal Church and under the direction of the Pope assisting him carry out his universal pastoral mission throughout the world.
He also noted how the concept of synodality enters into the equation now, as the Roman Curia becomes increasingly instrumental in listening and dialoguing with the particular Churches as it carries out its service.
'Ecclesia semper reformanda'
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and over these years assisting Pope Francis and the Cardinals in preparing the document, gave an overview and historical context surrounding it.
The new Apostolic Constitution will replace the current one governing the Roman Curia, 'Pastor Bonus', promulgated back on 28 June 1988 by Pope Saint John Paul II. The new Constitution will come into force on 5 June 2022, the Solmenity of Pentecost.
Cardinal Semeraro noted how 'Praedicate Evangelium', many years in the making from discussions going back to the conclave of 2013, brings to completion the reform of the Roman Curia.
Many of the reforms have already been implemented in recent years, even before the new Constitution was finalized, although all the offices of the Roman Curia will need to assure their current statutes are fully in line with the final indications set in the Apostolic Constitution.
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