Solidarity with First Nations

"Mission Chez Nous" provides assistance to the Amerindian and Inuit Christian communities of the dioceses of northern Canada and of the missions in northern Quebec.
Since the organization's founding over twenty years ago, the members of the pastoral teams have been receiving financial support that is much needed because the challenges are great and the resources limited: presence among families and communities that are dispersed across vast territories, an often hostile climate that results in harsh living conditions and contributes to rising costs in food, housing, and transportation, difficulty in finding new people to continue the work, etc.
In concrete terms, a donation to Mission Chez Nous contributes to supporting accompaniment and mutual aid services, helps provide Christian communities with liturgical texts and catechetical tools suited to the needs and the culture, assists in building and renovating the places of celebration, prayer, and sharing, promotes the recruitment, formation, and subsistence of priests, pastoral agents, catechists, etc.
The leaders of the northern Christian communities strive to create a spirit of dialogue and understanding between the different cultures. In his letter of support for Mission Chez Nous, the President of the organization, Most Reverend Christian Lépine, reminds us that our prayers and donations are important, for they contribute to a great movement of solidarity and of spreading the Gospel message in our own country.
To make a donation: - 1-888-280-6440.
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